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The Aerolite 103 is available as either a fully assembled, ready-to-fly, single seat aircraft, or as a Quick-Build Kit that you can assemble yourself in Less Than 50 Hours!

Standard Equipment on Every Aerolite:  

Complete airframe, featuring your choice of sail color(s), Nose Fairing & Windscreen, Electric Flaps, Shock Absorbing Main Gear, Steerable Nose Wheel with Suspension, Four-point Restraint System, 5 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank, Visual Fuel Quantity Gauge, Dacron Covering, Aluminum Wheels, Tubeless 13 x 5 x 6 Carlisle 4 Ply Tires, Hydraulic Brakes, and a Fully Anodized Airframe.

Ready-To-Fly Aerolites are completely assembled, test flown and then disassembled for transport to you.

Kit and Engine Package Prices: Price
Complete Aerolite 103 Quick-Build Airframe Kit  $17,950
Hirth F33  (28 HP) $7,404
MZ 201  (45 HP, High Output, Low RPM) $12,819
MZ 202  (63 HP) $14,526
Hirth F23  (50 HP) $14,623
Electric Propulsion System with 2 Batteries $10,376
Electric Propulsion System with 3 Batteries $13,739
Electric Propulsion System with 4 Batteries $17,102

All gasoline engine packages include the engine, carburetor(s), engine mount, pre-welded exhaust, exhaust mount, all mounting hardware, gearbox or reduction drive (depending on engine model), throttle cable(s), choke cable(s), electric starter, and lightweight lithium battery.  The gearboxes on the MZ-201 and MZ-202 engines include a centrifugal clutch as standard equipment.

All Electric Propulsion Systems include motor, motor mount, controller, batteries, battery mount, independent 110 volt charger for each battery, system display monitor, throttle, key switch and all cabling.  The system is a true "plug and play" design, and complete installation takes about an hour.

Click here for more info and pics on the Aerolite EV-103.


Completely Assembled, Ready to Fly Aircraft Prices: Price
Hirth F33  (28 HP) $29,354
MZ 201 (45 HP, High Output) $33,820
MZ 202 (63 HP) $35,400
Hirth F23  (50 HP) $36,573
2 Battery Electric Propulsion System $32,326
3 Battery Electric Propulsion System $35,689
4 Battery Electric Propulsion System $39,052

Other Options:

15" Tundra Tire and Wheels, with Hydraulic Brakes.  (15 x 6 x 6).  This upgrade package also includes solid fiberglass gear legs, and axles specific to the Tundra Wheels. $465
22" Super-Tundra Tires and Wheels, with Hydraulic Brakes. (22 x 11 x 8).  This package also includes a heavy duty shock absorbing nose gear assembly. $1,045
6" Wheel Pants.  Our wheel pants are manufactured using colored gel-coat, so the finish color is molded right into the fairing.  We have gel coat colors to match many of the sail colors, in addition to Black and White.  Price is per set of 3. $595
6" Tundra Wheel Pants. Same as above, to accommodate the Tundra wheels and tires.  Price is per set of 3. $640
Streamline Strut Fairings.  Our Streamline Strut and Gear Leg Fairings are extruded ABS, a true 3:1 streamline shape, and are manufactured with a UV additive for long service life.  Installing the Streamline Fairings and Wheel Pants will increase your cruise speed a minimum of 6 MPH and climb rate a minimum of 80 FPM on the lowest HP engine, and as much as 12 MPH and 150 FPM on the larger HP engines.  Price is per set of 4. $360
Streamline Gear Leg Fairings.  Price is per set of 2. $45
Analog Instrument Package.  Analog instrument packages include pre-cut and powder coated panel, airspeed indicator, altimeter, surface mount slip indicator, tachometer, EGT  and CHT gauges, and corresponding EGT and CHT probes. $1,165
EIS Digital Instrument Package.  Highly recommended, and includes pre-cut and powder coated panel, EIS Display, pre-wired harness, probes, internal altimeter and rate of climb functions, as well as panel mount slip indicator. (This unit displays the following functions:  Tach, dual EGT, dual CHT, altimeter, vertical speed, volts, flight timer, cumulative timer (Hobbs).  Also has an open port for the addition of fuel quantity or outside air temperature.)  This complete set up, including instrument panel, panel shock mounts, EIS, slip indicator and wiring harness, weighs only 1 lb., 12 oz. $762
Magnum 660 Softpack Parachute System.  Complete rocket-deployed parachute system.  Magnum Parachutes leads the industry with the longest repack cycles (5 years on the 660 Softpack, compared to only 1 or 2 years with most other brands), the lowest repack cost and a free loaner canopy when yours is out of your aircraft for repack.     $5,225
7 or 10 Gallon Tank Upgrade.  Upgrade the standard 5 gallon aluminum tank to a 7 or 10 gallon aluminum tank. $345
Culver Prop 2 Blade Propeller.  Culver prop is the very best wooden prop we have ever used.  These high quality wooden propellers are made specifically for all of our engine packages, in the maximum diameter and appropriate pitch for each given engine model. $660
Warp Drive 3 Blade Adjustable Pitch Propeller with HPL Hub.  Solid carbon fiber propeller, is the most durable we have ever used.  The Warp Drive prop is not used on the MZ-34 or Hirth F33.  $1,289
IVO Prop 3 Blade Adjustable Pitch Propeller Upgrade.  The Ivo Prop is not recommended for the MZ-34 or Hirth F33. $1,100
Single Strobe Light.  Kuntzleman SC-103 system, which is highly visible single flash unit.  Mounted on the front of the root tube. Price includes mounting bracket. $112
TF-103 Strobe Light.  High Intensity self-contained LED strobe, allows users to select between single, double and triple flash patterns.  Weighs only 5 ounces. $119
Wide Seat Option.  2" wider than standard seat.  Normally a good upgrade for pilots over about 240 pounds. $345

Although the Aerolite can easily be built and flown with an empty weight well below those specified in FAR Part 103, certain engine configurations and/or the addition of various upgrades and options may result in the aircraft having an empty weight above those specified in Part 103.

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