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Complete Kit:  Only $119!

The Aero-Lightning TF-103 Strobe is a high intensity self-contained LED strobe light that is easy to install and allows the user to select between single, double or triple flash patterns.  The entire unit weighs only 5 ounces.

The TF-103 Strobe is designed to be shock mounted, using the included rubber shock mount. When installing, tighten the self-locking nut so the shock mount is snug, but do not overly compress the rubber shock mount.

Connect the red wire to 12-24 volt positive power, using the inline fuse holder and 1 amp fuse provided. (If using a toggle switch, install the toggle in the red (positive) circuit).

Connect the black wire to the negative terminal of your battery (or other airframe grounding point with continuity to the negative terminal of your battery).

By default, your TF-103 Strobe light is pre-programmed to the Triple-Flash setting. To change the flash pattern, follow the instructions below.

The flash pattern can only be changed while the red and black wires are connected to positive and negative 12 volt power, and the strobe light is turned on. You can change the flash pattern before or after you install the strobe light on your aircraft.

With the strobe light on, touch the yellow wire to the positive terminal of your battery. Each time you touch the yellow wire to positive 12 volt power, the flash will advance to the next pattern: Single – Double – Triple – Single, etc. Once you reach the flash pattern you prefer, secure the yellow wire. The light will retain the last flash pattern you program into it.


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